Wednesday, January 11, 2012

dear nutella,

It's not you. It's me.

There was once a time when we were so happy together. I spent so many nights being comforted by your creamy, chocolatey goodness. You were always there for me when I got a low test score, or when I felt lonely, or when boys were confusing the heck outta me. I even did a report on you for school.

There was once a time when you made my heart swell But now you make my throat swell too, and I don't like that because I like being able to breathe.

Don't think this is because I don't love you still. I do! But we simply can't be together any more. And it's all because of your third ingredient.

I don't know how else to break the news, so I'll just say it: I'm allergic to hazelnuts. After years of loving hazelnuts I developed an allergy to them over Christmas break. And since they are an essential part of your recipe, I think you can see why this has to happen.

I'm sorry, Nutella. I didn't want it to be like this. This hurts me too! If there was some way be could be together...but it's better this way, trust me.

My love for you cannot overcome the effects of eating you: the tummy ache, itchy tongue, restricted throat, sneezy nose, and general ickyness. In fact, I am suffering these things right now because I was not strong enough to resist one last spoonful.

But it was my last.

Goodbye, Nutella. 

I'm breaking up with you.


  1. Oh noes! That's terrible. :[ I am sorry for your break up. If you are ever looking for a new spread, you might be able to make do with this (and a few adjustments, of course):

  2. That looks like an awesome recipe. Stay tuned for non-hazelnut chocolate nut butter...?

  3. I cried over this post and fed your fish
